Learning Disability and
as well as development lasts a life time, starting from the cradle to the
grave. What is learned and how learning at each phase is different of
development. Many theories have contrary issue of learning. Each theory or
departed from the assumption of certain assumptions about learning. Although
there are same general opinion or the relatively similar between these concepts
psychologists there is diversity in the way of explaining and definition the
meaning of learning. According to Gordon (1984). “However, either explicitly or
implicitly in the end there is a common meaning, that is any definition of the
concept of learning always showing a change process of personal in behavior practice
or by other experience”.
In the other cases meet child
is a "unique", can not be equal between the child and others. They
have the rhythm of the different developments. Not mind if all children are
equal. A mother is usually more sensitive in capturing the
"difference" of the birth of children. Naturally, if then the mother
will continue to try find the right approach and the best in themselves lead to
differences in their children. By considering what is different from each child,
parents will know what they do. Children who have a "different" because
of specificity said as a hild with special needs and should be guided in
accordance with were particulars. At
time, Children with special needs are discussed that children learning
disability. Children is learning ability
an part not separated of the exceptional child.
Learning disbility is a
multidisciplinary concept used in the field of education science, psychology,
and medicine. In 1963 Samuel A. Kirk for the first time suggested the
unification of the names of child disorders such as minimal brain dysfunction,
neurological disorders, dyslexia and developmental aphasia to become learning
disabilities. The concept has been widely adopted and educational approach to
learning disabilities has grown rapidly, especially in countries that have been
Classifying learning
difficulties is not easy, because learning disabilities are a heterogeneous
group of trouble. Unlike are the visually impaired, deaf or who Tunagrahita
homogeneous. Learning disabilities have many types, each of which require
diagnosis and remediation different. However difficult to classify learning
difficulties, the classification is necessary because it seems useful to
determine the appropriate learning strategies.
The guidelines learning
disabilities can classified into two group, as follows: developmental learning
disabilities and academic learning disabilities. Learning difficulties
associated with the development of motor disorders and includes perception,
learning the language and communication difficulties, learning difficulties in
adjustment and social behavior. Academic learning difficulties point to the
failures of academic achievement in accordance with the expected capacity.
Failure includes the mastery of skills in reading, writing, or mathematics.
Academic learning
difficulties can be determined by the teacher or parent when the child failed
to show one or several academic ability. In contrast, the development of
learning that generally difficult to know, either by parents or teachers
because there are no systematic measurements as well in academic sector. Learning
difficulties associated with the development of learning difficulties often
appear to be caused by not mastered the prerequisite skills, skills that must
be mastered prior to the next skill to master the form.
some learning difficulties associated with development often associated with
failure in academic achievement, the relationship between the two is not always
clear. There are children who fail to learn to read that show unable of the
perceptual motor functions, but others can learn to read although have
inability to perceptual motor functions.
For achieve satisfactory academic performance, a child requires a mastery skills. Children who obtain low learning achievement because lack of control of the skills, academic achievement generally expected after the first child mastered the prerequisite skills. To be able to solve math problems the form of stories, for example, a child must first master the skills of reading comprehension. To be able to read, a child must have evolved the ability to discriminate visual and auditory, visual and auditory memory, and ability to concentrate.
One of the basic skills that are generally considered most important in learning is the ability to focus or often called selective attention. Selective attention is the ability to choose one among a number of stimuli such as auditory stimuli, tactile, visual, and kinesthetic that the man at any time. Other that, learning disability have two factors, internal factor and external factor.
The factor internal like us, factor fisiology child who is sick or unwell will experience physical weakness, low sensory and motor so weak as a result of stimulation received through the senses can not be transmitted to the brain. Unhealthy child will have difficulty learning, because he is easily tired, dizziness, drowsiness, reduced concentration of power and are less enthusiastic about learning. When a child is experiencing a long illness, then the nerves will grow weak, so that he can not follow the course for several days and the lesson was left behind. Moreover disability can cause a child has learning difficulties. and then phsyhological factor. that includes the psychological factors are Intelligence, talent, Interests and motivation.
The next factor external there are factors parents. The family is a major educational center and the first, but can also be a factor causing learning difficulties. In this case the parents have an important role in order to educate their children, as a way of life, nature and disposition of a child, mostly derived from both parents. which includes these factors include: guidance and education of parents. Parents who do not know or pay less attention to children's learning progress will be the cause of learning difficulties children need parental guidance in order to be mature and learn responsibility to grow in children. Parents work can lead children do not get guidance or supervision from his parents, that child will have difficulty learning. The relationship of parent and child. This factor is important in determining a child's learning progress. Of affection lead parents to the child's mental health. Lack of compassion will cause emotional insecurity. a child will have difficulty learning in the absence or lack of affection from their parents condition of the home or family. condition is very crowded house, or noise, resulting in a child can not learn well. The child will always disturbed his concentration, so difficult to learn. the family's economic situation. Economic circumstances listed in: a lack of or poor economic situation would lead to a lack of learning tools, the lack of cost and the child does not have a good place to learn. Thirdly it would be a barrier for children to learn well and it can also hinder a child's learning progress. Economic excess (rich). This situation should be of the first condition, namely an abundance of family economics. They will be because he was too lazy to learn a lot of fun maybe the parents do not stand to see their children struggling to learn with this state will be able to impede the progress of learning.
For achieve satisfactory academic performance, a child requires a mastery skills. Children who obtain low learning achievement because lack of control of the skills, academic achievement generally expected after the first child mastered the prerequisite skills. To be able to solve math problems the form of stories, for example, a child must first master the skills of reading comprehension. To be able to read, a child must have evolved the ability to discriminate visual and auditory, visual and auditory memory, and ability to concentrate.
One of the basic skills that are generally considered most important in learning is the ability to focus or often called selective attention. Selective attention is the ability to choose one among a number of stimuli such as auditory stimuli, tactile, visual, and kinesthetic that the man at any time. Other that, learning disability have two factors, internal factor and external factor.
The factor internal like us, factor fisiology child who is sick or unwell will experience physical weakness, low sensory and motor so weak as a result of stimulation received through the senses can not be transmitted to the brain. Unhealthy child will have difficulty learning, because he is easily tired, dizziness, drowsiness, reduced concentration of power and are less enthusiastic about learning. When a child is experiencing a long illness, then the nerves will grow weak, so that he can not follow the course for several days and the lesson was left behind. Moreover disability can cause a child has learning difficulties. and then phsyhological factor. that includes the psychological factors are Intelligence, talent, Interests and motivation.
The next factor external there are factors parents. The family is a major educational center and the first, but can also be a factor causing learning difficulties. In this case the parents have an important role in order to educate their children, as a way of life, nature and disposition of a child, mostly derived from both parents. which includes these factors include: guidance and education of parents. Parents who do not know or pay less attention to children's learning progress will be the cause of learning difficulties children need parental guidance in order to be mature and learn responsibility to grow in children. Parents work can lead children do not get guidance or supervision from his parents, that child will have difficulty learning. The relationship of parent and child. This factor is important in determining a child's learning progress. Of affection lead parents to the child's mental health. Lack of compassion will cause emotional insecurity. a child will have difficulty learning in the absence or lack of affection from their parents condition of the home or family. condition is very crowded house, or noise, resulting in a child can not learn well. The child will always disturbed his concentration, so difficult to learn. the family's economic situation. Economic circumstances listed in: a lack of or poor economic situation would lead to a lack of learning tools, the lack of cost and the child does not have a good place to learn. Thirdly it would be a barrier for children to learn well and it can also hinder a child's learning progress. Economic excess (rich). This situation should be of the first condition, namely an abundance of family economics. They will be because he was too lazy to learn a lot of fun maybe the parents do not stand to see their children struggling to learn with this state will be able to impede the progress of learning.
the end Factors schools is meant by school factors include teachers. Teachers
can be the cause of learning difficulties when teachers are not qualified as an
educator, for example: poor teacher relationships with students and teachers
demanding standards on the ability of the child subjects. A teacher should be
able to manage the required components that are involved in educating the
students. According to Aleksandra (1990). "The components that affect
learning outcomes, the component determines the teacher more because he will
manage the other components so as to improve the outcomes of teaching and learning
process."The condition of the building. If the school
building near the crowd, the room dark and narrow the learning situation will
be less good because it is so distracting that learning is inhibited.
Concentration required in learning so that students will easily understand the
subject being discussed. The curriculum can be said to be less well if the
material / material that was too high and the distribution of the substance /
material is not balanced. When the school and are less disciplined a good time
to learn is the morning, because the condition of the child is still in optimal
condition to be able to receive or absorb the lesson. If the incoming day or
evening school students are not optimal conditions again to absorb the lessons,
because their energy is reduced. Besides the lack of implementation of the
discipline can also be a barrier in the learning.
my opinion learning disability can prohibition by parents who do not know or
pay less attention to children's learning progress will be the cause of
learning difficulties children need parental guidance in order to be mature and
learn responsibility to grow in children. Parents work can lead children do not
get guidance or supervision from his parents, that child will have difficulty
Aleksandra. 1990. Getting student to talk
: a resourch book for teacher
. London: prantice hall.
Gordon. 1984. People types and tiger
stripes: a practical guide to learning style. New York: plenum press.
sumber report wulantia
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